Hiring an accountant serves a myriad of purposes for small, medium-sized to big enterprises. But, choosing the right individual who has not only the experience but also the skills to help your business save money and time seems a big hassle. However, you don’t have to worry, as it post, we’ve rounded with five key questions you should ask when interviewing prospective accountants. So, let’s check out these:
Are you licensed?
This is the first question that you need to inquire about with your potential accountant. A licensed accountant means he/she has a professional degree to deal with financial planning and bookkeeping stuff. You also get that extra mile in asking whether they have additional certification or credential. Typically a licensed accountant will highlight this feature you ask on their curriculum vitae.
Who are your clients?
It is best to inquire with your accountant Peterborough, do they have expertise in your specific industry? If they yes, then hurled a few key questions related to the industry to check their knowledge. Especially, if you have tax reporting needs, then ensure that they get experience to deal with the complexity.
How Do You Work?
An accountant Peterborough will be taking care of your financial stuff, it is of paramount importance that he has a fool-proof means to secure your critical data. Ask how they will ensure trust and respect for their clients. Will the accountant will be operating through the cloud-based technologies or still prefer the traditional face-to-face interaction. This is a key factor that will establish complete peace of mind, so you need to choose wisely.
How They Can Add Value to Your Company?
This is a probing question that will analyse the skills and ability of your accountant Peterborough. What services they’ll be recommending to your company intending to add value? How they’ll be able to save money for your business, this is a key question, if you want to make your investment account. A proactive accountant will prepare a quick report that will offer a variety of effective and insightful means to safeguard your company.
Let’s wrap up
At last, seek advice from your friends in the corporate to help you select a qualified accountant to support your business and its objectives to success. Plus, it is essential to check the online reputation of your company to make the best decision.