Home Business Subsidy Scheme Practice Learning: Apply Now

Subsidy Scheme Practice Learning: Apply Now

2 min read

Since January 1, 2014, companies that offer a practical place of learning apply to the Subsidy Scheme. Every year you can apply for a grant at the end of the education year if you offer such a place.

For whom?

The practice of teaching practice is primarily aimed at groups in a vulnerable position where, for example, youth unemployment is a major problem. Sectors in which staffing bottlenecks are expected and scientific staff indispensable for our knowledge economy are also covered by this scheme.

Learning levels

The scheme applies to places of study of different levels:

  • Vmbo: a learning process in the basic vocational course;
  • Mbo: a vocationally-oriented learning pathway;
  • HBO: a dual or part-time training within the fields of engineering or agriculture and natural environment;
  • PhD student: a PhD study under the guidance of a university or institute of the KNAW or NWO;
  • Technological designers in training (TOIO): a design assignment under the guidance of a university

As an employer, you can apply for the grant per academic year in proportion to the period during which you have applied for (practical) supervision at the workplace during the academic year. Every year you can apply by the end of the current academic year. From 2 June 2017 this is possible for the current academic year.

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